The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies is supporting with its teaching staff all the new initiatives in education and technological transfer that the University of Napoli Federico II is launching in these last years. In particular, our professors and researchers are strongly involved in the Academies that have been activated in our new Campus in San Giovanni.
The Academies are initiatives in the area of professional training developed in partnership with companies like Apple, Deloitte, CISCO, Accenture, Cap Gemini, TIM and more others. The idea behind them is to enlarge the competences provided in the traditional courses (Bachelor and Master level) offered by the Department with highly valuable expertise on top technologies, following an experiential approach with a first hand contact with the needs expressed by Industry and also by Government institutions. In this way we can provide our students with the skills needed to manage complex digital technologies and also with those Soft Skills that are in critical demand in today jobs.
Most of these initiatives allow the participants to gain academic credits towards the completion of their degree.
The job market is changing and Universities need to adapt and to offer training and education in line with these new needs. With our Academies, students can still enjoy the classical, methodological approach of our courses and still have the opportunity to test and practice state of the art technologies with world class companies. For these reasons we do encourage our students to pick among the many opportunities the one that best fits their professional expectations.